Coordinator: Sh. Arunava Dasgupta
Year of Establishment: 2016
This Centre has been set up in the School in the year 2016 for Urban Design Exploration and opening up tyhe avenues for research and academic partnership with other departments of the school, national and international academic, research and development organizations, government bodies and the industry. The primary platform for the centre is Urban Form Laboratories working on the four initial tracks of inquiry viz. (i) Form and Determinant, (ii) Social Urbanism, (iii) Urban Architecture and (iv) Rural Urbanization. The centre is acting as an experimental centre addressing various issues of Indian cities since this is the opportune time for such endeavor.

- To undertake related urban studies in a multi-disciplinary and collaborative way.
- To function as a self-financing entity following the GFR’s of the Central government and to harness requisite funding for all its targeted activities.
- To bring together the ebst of intelligent and professional expertise towards examining contemporary issues and aspects of our cities both locally and across the world.
- To initiate DIC project as the first initiate of the center.